Gainesville Ramblings

This is a blog, and thus it barely qualifies as writing, let alone formal writing, so I'd not let it bother you.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

This Just In: Chuck Norris Unable to End Iraq War, Tim Tebow To Be Sent In

First, watch this:

Now, the discussion:

1) Chuck Norris just went to Iraq? And the war is still on? We are so fucking screwed.

2) Who in their right mind let Chuck Norris on a news show as a fill in anchor? He manages to be the only guy who could possibly bring the intelligence level of Hannity and Colmes down. Good job Fox News. You once again prove why you're the best.

3) For a while there, Chuck Norris jokes were all the rage. I enjoyed them too, until I saw him and his wife on the Christian channel promoting teaching the Bible in public schools. What little respect I had for him was gone right there. And this only reinforces it. I'm glad the Republican Masters gave Norris a message and that he was able to stick to it. But for a guy who believes in some kind of educational reform (admittedly, a very stupid kind), he should probably read a book that's not the Bible before you start asking a politically knowledgeable Iraqi rapper about Iraq. Just saying.

4) I listened to that song they talk about in the clip. Its really quite good.


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