Its on now, or Work is done. Now the work begins.
Friday, July 27th, 2007: My last day at the Office of Technology Licensing.
The job's been good to me, but it was time to move on. If I didn't, I would have had to sign a lease for another year, and work the job for one more year. I couldn't do that. It time to find out what I want to do with my life, for better or worse.
As I walked out of Walker Hall for the last time as an employee, I had mixed feelings. I was happy, as while I liked the people at the office, the job itself was nothing to write home about. But I was also very nervous. Because now everything is on me. I have no fallback position now. Its all on me.
If I want to do this Navy thing, I have to buckle down and actually work. And work hard. I have to work out twice a day. I have to eat right. I have to study for the Navy Acceptance test. I need to contact all my former employers (this will be done on Monday, for the most part). I must go talk to the recruiter in Jacksonville. I need to email Lt. Anderson about meeting with him. I need to decrease my fat and increase my muscle mass. I need to memorize things like the 'Duties of a Sentry' and such.
This is scary in many ways. I don't think I've ever been in this position before. I have always had a lesser choice to fall back on. Not now. This is it. I have to make this work. And while I'm confident that I can do what I need to do in order to make this happen, there's still that doubt that lives in my stomach, telling me I can't do it. I guess its time to prove myself wrong. If I can do this, nothing else will be able to stop me ever again.
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